altre lingue,  Gramsci,  studi

Traduzioni di scritti gramsciani

La seguente bibliografia, rintracciabile qui, è tratta dalla International Gramsci Society

Translations of Gramsci’s Writings


1. Letra nga burgu. [Letters from Prison] Tirana, 1960.


2. Fikr Ghramchi (mukhtarat). [Gramsci’s Thought (Selections)] Translation by Tahsin al-chaykh Ali. Beirut: Dar al-Farabi, 1976. [Translation of BG-5537]

3. Kurrasat al-sijn. [Prison Notebooks] Translated by ‘Adil Ghunaym from Q. Hoare and G. Nowell Smith, eds., Selections from the Prison Notebooks (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1978). Cairo, 1994. Pp. 494.


4. Buddhijibi Oh Siksha. [Intellectuals and Education] Edited and translated by S. Bhatreherya and S. Bakdopadyay. Calcutta: Pearl Publishers, 1991. [Translated from A. Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks (New York, 1971)]


5. Pisma ot zatvora . [Letters from Prison] Translated from the Italian by Petr Dragoev. Sophia: Narodna Kultura, 1956. Pp. 272. [The preface is that of the Italian edition of 1947.]

6. Za kulturata, literaturata i izkustvoto. [On Culture, Literature and Art] Preface by Atanas Stojkov. Sophia: Nauka i izjustvo, 1976. Pp. 310.


7. Cultura i literatura. Edited with an introduction by Jordi Solé-Tura. Barcelona: edicions 62, 1966. Pp. 302. [Same essay in Spanish in BG-5999.]

8. El príncep modern. Introduction by Jordi Solé-Tura, “Actualidad de Gramsci.” Barcelona: edicions 62, 1968. Pp. 206.

9. El materialisme históric i la filosofía de Croce. Translated and edited by Jordi Moners i Sinyol. Barcellona: Editorial Laia, 1983.


9. Dopisy z vezení . [Letters from Prison]. Translated by Eliska Hlochová-Ripellino. Prague: Svoboda, 1949. Pp. 334.

10. Sesity z vezení. [Prison Notebooks]. Prague: Ceskoslovensky spisovatel, 1959. Pp. 143. [Selections from Letteratura e vita nazionale, Il Risorgimento, and Gli intellettuali e l’organizzazione della cultura.]

11. Historicky materialismus a filosofie Benedetta Croceho. [Historical Materialism and the Philosophy of Benedetto Croce] Translation by S. Lyer and L. Sochor. Introduction by Palmiro Togliatti, “Leninismus v myslení a cinnosti A. Gramsciho” [Leninism in the thought and action of A.G.]. Prague: Svoboda, 1966. Pp. 353. [The Czech translation of this volume of the first Einaudi edition of the Prison Notebooks.]

12. Základy Politiky . [Elements of Politics] Preface by Mario Spinella. Prague: Mladá Fronta, 1967. Pp. 137. [Translation of BG-6074.]

13. K základním problemum marxismu [On the Fundamental Problems of Marxism]. Dejiny a soucasnost [Prague], IX, 6 (1967), 41-ff.

14. Poznámky o Machiavelim, politice a moderním státu. Translation by Lubomír Sochor. Prague: Svoboda, 1969. Pp. 394. [Translation of Note sul Machiavelli….]


15. Politik og Kultur. Artikler, optegnelser og breve fra fà Â¦ngslet udvalgt af Kjeld àƒÆ’à‹Å“sterling Nielsen. [S.I.]: Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag, 1972. Pp. 211.

16. Arbejderkontrol, arbejderrad, arbejderstyre. “Efterskrift” by Jorgen Stender Clausen. Copenhagen: Rhodos, 1973. Pp. 293.

17. Fà Â¦ngselsoptegnelser i udvalg. Udgivet i oversà Â¦ttelse med indledning, kommentar og registre af Gert Sorensen. Two volumes. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanums Forlag Kobenhavns Universitet, 1991. Pp. 702.


18. Marxisme als filosofie van de praxis. Een bloemlezing, samengesteld, ingeleid en vertaald door Yvonne Scholten-Paci. Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1972. Pp. 183. [A second edition was published in 1978]

19. Grondbegrippen van de politiek. Hegemonie, staat, partij. Edited with an introduction by V. Gerratana and G. Matteoli. Nijmegen: Socialistiese Uitgeverji, 1980. Pp. 99. [Translation of BG- 2649.]


20. The Modern Prince and other writings by Antonio Gramsci. Translated with an introduction by Louis Marks. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1957. Pp. 192.

21. The Open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci. Translated and annotated by Carl Marzani. New York: Cameron Associates, Inc., 1957. Pp. 64. [Translations from Il materialismo storico e la filosofia di Benedetto Croce» interspersed with Marzani’s comments. This was the first translation, however brief, by an American of Gramsci’s writings ]

22. “Letters on the Jewish Question”, The New Reasoner, 9 (Summer, 1959), 141-44. [The selections, pp. 142-44, were translated from the Italian by Hamish Henderson, and selected and edited by V. Gribbin. This article was reprinted in “Notes on Anti-Semitism,” The Promethean Review, I, 4, (October-November, 1959), 39-42. This short-lived journal was published by Carl Marzani]

23. “In Search of the Educational Principle”, New Left Review, no. 32 (July-August, 1965) [Translated by Quintin Hoare]

24. “Soviets in Italy”, New Left Review, no. 51 (September-October, 1968), 28-58. [Translation of nine articles from L’Ordine nuovo 1919-1920 (Turin: Einaudi, 1954). The “Introduction of Gramsci 1919-1920,” pp. 22-27 is by Perry Anderson]

25. Selections from the Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci. Edited and translated by Q. Hoare and G. Nowell-Smith. “General Introduction” by Q. Hoare. London and New York: Lawrence & Wishart; International Publishers, 1971. Pp. xcvi-483.

26. Letters from Prison. Selected, translated from the Italian, and introduced by Lynne Lawner. New York: Harper & Row, 1973. Pp. 292. [Also published by London: Cape, 1975. Second edition. New York: The Noonday Press (Farrar, Strauss and Giroux), 1989]

27. History, Philosophy and Culture in the Young Gramsci. Edited with an introduction by Pedro Cavalcanti and Paul Piccone. Saint Louis, Mo.: Telos Press, 1975. Pp. 158.

28. An Introduction to Some Thoughts of Gramsci. Preface by Stefano Righi Riva. London: CPGB pamphlet, 1976.

29. “Notes on Journalism”, Telos, 32 (Summer, 1977), 4-5 and 139-51. [Introduction by Andrew Arato and Paul Piccone. A translation by George R. Alkalay of the following pages from the “Edizione critica” of the Quaderni del carcere: 913-914; 975-76; 1721-22; 1736-37; 1740-42; and 2257-75]

30. Selections from Political Writings (1910-1920). With additional texts by Bordiga and Tasca. Selected and edited with an Introduction by Quintin Hoare. Translated by John Mathews. London & New York: Lawrence & Wishart; International Publishers, 1977. Pp. xxi-393. [Repr. U. of Minnesota, 1990]

31. Selections from Political Writings (1921-1926). With additional texts by other Italian Communist leaders. Translated and edited with an Introduction by Quintin Hoare. London & New York: Lawrence & Wishart; International Publishers, 1978. Pp. xii-516. [Repr. U. of Minnesota, 1990]

32. “Science and ‘Scientific’ Ideologies”, Telos, 41 (Fall, 1979), 3-4 and 151-55. [Introduction by Paul Breines and Paul Piccone. A translation by Maurice A. Finocchiaro of pp. 1451-59 of the “Edizione critica” of the Quaderni del carcere]

33. Selections from Cultural Writings. Edited with an Introduction by David Forgacs and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith. Translated by William Boelhower. London & Cambridge, Mass.: Lawrence & Wishart; Harvard University Press, 1985. Pp. xvi-448.

34. An Antonio Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings, 1916-1935. Edited with an Introduction by David Forgacs. First American edition [1st English ed., London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1988] New York: Schocken Books, 1989. Pp. 446. [Cf. also “Glossary of Key Terms,” pp. 420-31.]

35. Gramsci’s Prison Letters – Lettere dal Carcere. A Selection translated and introduced by Hamish Henderson. London: Zwan Publications in association with the Edinburgh Review, 1988. Pp. viii-290. [This selection was first published in 1974 in issues no. 25 & 26 of the New Edinburgh Review. Letter 10 was published in “The People’s Past,” ed. E.J. Cowan (Edinburgh: Polygon, 1980)]

36. Prison Notebooks. Volume I. Edited with an Introduction by Joseph A. Buttigieg. Translated by Joseph A. Buttigieg and Antonio Callari. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. Pp. xxiii-608. [This is the English translation of the Italian “critical edition” of the Quaderni del carcere, edited by Valentino Gerratana and published in 1975 in four volumes by Einaudi. This volume contains the texts of Notebooks One and Two along with a wonderful accompaniment of introduction and notes. Volumes II and III of this English edition will soon be published]

37. Letters from Prison. Edited with an Introduction by Frank Rosengarten. Translated by Raymond Rosenthal. Two volumes, New York, Columbia University Press, 1994 Pp. xxi-374; 431. [At present, this is the most complete edition of the «Letters» in any language since it includes about 30 letters not included in the last Italian edition of 1988]

38. Pre-Prison Writings. Edited with an Introduction by Richard Bellamy. Translated by Virginia Cox. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. [More than 60 pieces written between 1914 and 1926. Includes a number of writings not previously available in English.

39. Further Selections from the Prison Notebooks. Translated and edited with a General Introduction by Derek Boothman. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1995; Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1995. Pp. lxxxvii-618. [This selection concentrates on subjects neglected in the 1971 translation published as Selections from the Prison Notebooks (BG-3007) and other later translations. It especially includes “Gramsci’s writings on religion, aspects of education not covered in SPN, economics and economic trends, science and the translatability of scientific and philosophical languages, and idealist philosophy….” (p. xiv). Cf. also Boothman’s important Introductions to the seven sections of this anthology as well as his informative “Notes,” pp.507-87]


40. Tyà¶và¤enluikan yhtenà¤isyya. «L’Ordine nuovossa» julkaistuja artikkeleita 1919-1920. Translations by Martti Berger, Mikael Bà¶à¶k, Riitta Ahonen, Raija-Liisa Pà¶llà¤. Introduction by Boris Iljin. Moscow: Kustannuslike Edistys, 1976. Pp. 341. [Published in the USSR in Finnish]

41. Vankilvihkot: valikoima 1. [Selections from the Prison Notebooks. Volume 1] Introduction by Mikael Bà¶à¶k. Helsinki: Kansankulttuuri, 1979. Pp. 151.

42. Vankilvihkot: valikoima 2. [Selections from the Prison Notebooks. Volume 2] Introduction by Mikael Bà¶à¶k. Helsinki: Kansankulttuuri, 1982. Pp. 180.


43. Lettres de Prison. Translated by Jean Noaro. Preface by Palmiro Togliatti, “Antonio Gramsci, chef de la classe ouvrière italienne.” Paris: Editions Sociales, 1953. Pp. 310. [Translation of P. Togliatti, «Antonio Gramsci, capo della classe operaia» (BG-6512)]

44. “L’organisation de l’école et de la culture”, Europe, XXXIII, 111 (March, 1955), 81-101.

45. Oeuvres Choisies. Translated and notes by Gilbert Moget and Armand Monjo. Introduction by Georges Cogniot. Paris: à â‚¬Â°ditions Sociales, 1959. Pp. 539.

46. “Lettre sur l’internationalisme”, Partisans [Paris], 13 (December, 1963 January, 1964), 41- 48.

47. Gramsci (Présentation, choix de textes, biographie, bibliographie). Edited by Jacques Texier Paris: Editions Seghers, 1966. Pp. 191.

48. Lettres de prison. Translated from the Italian by Hélène Albani, Christian Depuyper and Georges Saro. Paris: Gallimard, 1971. Pp. 620. [Translation of the critical edition of the Lettere dal carcere.]

49. à â‚¬Â°crits Politiques I, 1914-1920. Selected and annotated with an Introduction by Robert Paris. Translated from the Italian by Marie G. Martin. Paris: Gallimard, 1974. Pp. 461. [2nd edition, 1977]

50. à â‚¬Â°crits politiques II, 1921-1922. Selected and annotated with an Introduction by Robert Paris. Translated from the Italian by Marie G. Martin. Paris: Gallimard, 1975. Pp. 379.

51. Gramsci dans le Texte (Oeuvres Choisies). With an introduction by Franà Â§ois Ricci (“Gramsci sans Légende”). Paris: à â‚¬Â°ditions Sociales, 1975. Pp. 797.

52. Cahiers de prison. Cahiers 10, 11, 12, 13. Avant-propos, notice et notes de Robert Paris. Traductions de l’Italien par Paolo Fulchignoni, Gérard Granel et Nino Negri. Paris: Gallimard, 1978. Pp. 549. [Cf. also Paris’ “Notice” before each of the mentioned Cahiers (pp. 13-14, 163- 64, 307-08, 351).]

53. à â‚¬Â°crits politiques III, 1923-1926. Selected and annotated with an Introduction by Robert Paris. Translated from the Italian by Marie G. Martin. Paris: Gallimard, 1980. Pp. 441.

54. Cahiers de prison. Cahiers 6, 7, 8, 9. Avant-Propos, notice et notes de Robert Paris. Traductions de l’Italien par Monique Aymard et Paolo Fulchignoni Paris: Gallimard, 1983. Pp. 717. [Cf. also Paris’ “Notice” before each of the mentioned «Cahiers» (pp. 13-14, 165-67, 249- 51, 407-08)]

55. Gramsci. Textes. Introduction by André Tosel: “Gramsci ou la philosophie de la praxis comme marxisme de la crise organique du capitalisme.” Paris: Editions Sociales, 1983.

56. L‘Arbre du hérisson. Introd. et trad. de l’italien par Roger Salomon. Ill. par Franà Â§oise Jacque Paris: Messidor-La Farandole, 1987. Pp. 89.

57. Cahiers de prison. Cahiers 14, 15, 16, 17, et 18. Avant-propos, notices et notes de Robert Paris. Traductions de l’Italien par Franà Â§oise Bouillot et Gérard Granel Paris: Gallimard, 1990. Pp. 425. [Cf. also Paris’ “Notice” before each of the mentioned Cahiers (pp. 13-14, 103-04, 107- 08, 253-54, 301).]

58. Cahiers de prisons. Cahiers 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Avant-propos, notices et notes de Robert Paris. Traduction de l’Italien par Claude Perrus et Pierre Laroche., 587. Paris: Gallimard, 1991. [Cf. also Paris’ “Notice” before each of the mentioned Cahiers (p. 13, 121, 145, 175, 217, 283, 303, 321, 335, 345, and 363). He also wrote a “Notice” for the material presented from Cahiers A, B, and C (p. 377, 387-88, 395-96).]


59. Die Sà¼ditalienische Frage. Beitrà¤ge zur Geschichte der Einigungs Italiens. Translation by E. Salewski. Berlin: Dietz Verlag, 1955. Pp. 87. [Translation of “La questione meridionale,” Lo Stato operaio, n. 1 (1930).]

60. Briefe aus dem Kerker. Translation by H. Theile. Berlin: Dietz Verlag, 1956. Pp. 310. [With a new German Introduction written especially for this edition. A translation of the original Italian introduction (cf. BG-32) is also included.]

61. “Kunst und Kultur”, Almanach [Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer Verlag] Das neunsiebzigste Jahr (1965), 99-107.

62. “Cà¤sarismus”, Almanach [Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer Verlag] Das achtzigste Jahr (1966), 125- 30.

63. Philosophie der Praxis. Eine Auswahl. With a preface by Wolfgang Abendroth and an introduction by Christian Riechers. Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer, 1967. Pp. 453.

64. Rà¤te in Turin. Introduction by Perry Anderson. Munich: Verlagskooperative Trikont, [1968?]. Pp. 115. [This book also contains an essay by Jacques Pequet, “Rà¤te in Saclay?”]

65. Briefe aus der Kerker. Preface by Gerhard Roth. Frankfurt: S. Fischer Verlag, 1972.

66. Zu Politik, Geschichte und Kultur. Ausgewà¤hlte Schriften. Foreword by Guido Zamis. Leipzig: Verlag Reclam jun., 1980. Pp. 399. [Most of the extensive «Anmerkungen» or notes (pp. 351-86) were also written by Zamis. Enlarged editions were also published in Leipzig (Reclam, 1986) and Frankfurt a.M. (Roderberg, 1986)]

67. Gramsci, Philosophie und revolutionà¤re Politik in Italien. Edited by H.H. Holz and H.J. Sandkà¼hler. Kà¶ln: Pahl-Rugenstein, 1980.

68. Marxismus und Kultur. Ideologie, Alltag, Literatur. Edited and translated with an introduction by Sabine Kebir. With an afterword by Giuliano Manacorda. Hamburg: VSA-Verlag, 1983.

69. Notizen zur Sprache und Kultur. Leipzig; Weimar: Kiepenheuer, 1984. Pp. 184. [Selections from Cronache torinesi: 1913-1917, La città futura: 1917-1918, and the Quaderni del carcere.]

70. Gedanken zur Kultur. Herausgegeben von Guido Zamis unter Mitarbeit von Sigrid Siemund Leipzig: Verlag Philipp Reclam jun, 1987. Pp. 333.

71. Gefà¤ngnis Hefte. Band 1. Herausgegeben von Klaus Bochmann, mit einem Vorwort von Wolfgang Fritz Haug. 1. Heft. Hamburg: Argument-Verlag, 1991. Pp. 194 + A1-94. [This is the first volume of the German translation of the critical edition of the «Quaderni del carcere». Cf. also V. Gerratana’s “Introduction” to this version and W.F. Haug’s “Foreword.”]

72. Gefà¤ngnis Hefte. Band 2. Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Fritz Haug. Hefte 2-3. Hamburg: Argument-Verlag, 1991. Pp. 201-448 + A95-207. [This is the second volume of the German translation of the critical edition of the «Quaderni del carcere».]

73. Antonio Gramsci – vergessener Humanist? Eine Anthologie. Foreword by Harald Neubert. Berlin: Dietz Verlag, 1991. Pp. 273.

74. Gefà¤ngnis Hefte. Band 3. Herausgegeben von Klaus Bochmann und Wolfgang Fritz Haug. Hefte 4-5. Hamburg: Argument-Verlag, 1992. Pp. 457-703 + A209-317. [This is the third volume of the German translation of the critical edition of the «Quaderni del carcere».]

75. Briefe 1908-1926. Eine Auswahl. Herausgegeben mit eine Einleitung von Antonio A. Santucci. Aus dem Italienischen von Klaus Bochmann. Vienna-Zurich: Europaverlag, 1992. Pp. 299. [The introduction in German is considerably longer than the Italian version]

76. Gefà¤ngnis Hefte. Band 6. Herausgegeben von Klaus Bochmann und Wolfgang Fritz Haug. Hefte 10-11. Hamburg: Argument-Verlag, 1994. Pp. 1195-1221 + A551-634. [This is the sixth volume of the German translation of the critical edition of the «Quaderni del carcere». I do not have the publishing particulars concerning the fourth (1992) and fifth (1993) volumes.] *


79. Grammata apo ti Filaki. [Letters from Prison] Foreword by Foula Hatzidaki. Athina: Iridanos, 1972.

80. Oi Dianoumenoi. [Intellectuals] Edited and translated by Thanos Papadopoulos. Athens: Stochastes, 1972. Pp. 198.

81. I organosi tis koultouras. [The Organization of Culture] Edited and translated by Thanos Papadopoulos. Athens: Stochastes, 1973. Pp. 122.

82. Istorikos ulismos. Tedradia tes fulakes. I. [Historical Materialism]. n.p.: Ekdozeis «Odisseas», 1973. Pp. 243.

83. Logotechnia kai ethniki zoi. [Literature and National Life] Edited by Chpestos Mastraniones and Ntany Pierrou. Translated by Chpestos Mastraniones Athens: Stochastes, 1981. Pp. 351.

84. Sosialismos kai Koultoura. [Original title: «Scritti politici»] Introduction by Paolo Spriano. Edited by Ntany Pierrou. Translated by Giorgios Machairas and Tania Gori Athens: Stochastes, 1982. Pp. 355. [Translation of BG-6148]

(Other Greek titles were most recently brought to our attention:

a) Gia ton Makiaveli [On Behalf of Machiavelli]. Athens: Iridanos, [1974].

b) Parelthon kai paron [Past and Present]. Athens: Stochastis, 1974.

c) Ta ergostasiaka sumvoulia kai to kratos tis ergatikis taxis [Factory Councils and the Power of the Working Class]. Athens: Stochastis, 1975.

d) I allilografia Gkamsi-Toliatti gia tin katastasi sto komma ton mpolsevikon. To pos pou kaiei. [The Correspondence of Gramsci and Togliatti on the Situation in the Bolshevik Party…] Athens, 1975.

e) Politika keimana [Political Writings]. Athens: Odosseus, 1976.

f) Il Risorgimento. Athens: Stochastis, 1987.

g) Amerikanismos kai fordismos [Americanism and Fordism]. Athens, 1988.

These titles are listed on p. 103 of Jannis Voulgaris, “Gramsci in Grecia,” Gramsci nel mondo. Edited by Maria Luisa Righi. Rome, 1995.)


85. Mikhtavim mibeit-hasohar. [Letters from Prison] Translated by N. Rabin. Israel: Hakibutz Hameuchar Ltd., 1953. Pp. 351.


86. Levelek a bà¶rtà¶nbà¶l. [Letters from Prison] Translated by Irén Róna. With an introductory essay by Palmiro Togliatti, “Antonio Gramsci, Az olasz munkásosztály vezére [A.G., the leader of the Italian working class]. Budapest: Szikra Kiadás, 1949. Pp. 119. [Togliatti’s essay is a translation of BG-6512]

87. Marxizmus Kultúra Muvészet. [Marxism, Culture, Art] Introduction by Géza Sallay. Edited by Z. Rózsa. Budapest: Kossuth Kà¶nyvkiadó, 1965. Pp. 377.

88. “Szozialismus és kultúra”, Valóság, VIII, 4 (1965), 80-91.

89. Filozófiai írások. [Philosophical Writings] Introduction by Tibor Huszár. Budapest: Kossuth, 1970. Pp. 402.

90. Levelek a bà¶rtà¶nbol. [Letters from Prison]. Introduction by Irén Komját. Budapest: Kossuth Kà¶nyvkiadó, 1974. Pp. 406.

91. A gyakorlát filozófiája. [The Philosophy of Praxis] Introduction by Erno Gáll. Budapest: Kriterion Kà¶nyvkiadó, 1974. Pp. 283.

92. Az új fejedelem. Jegyzetek Machiavellihez. [Notes on Machiavelli] Postscript by János Betlen. Budapest: ed. Magyar Helikon, 1977. Pp. 439.

93. Válaszút a pedagógiában. [The Pedagogical Alternative] Válagotta Mario Alighiero Manacorda. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1979. [Translation of A. Gramsci, L’alternativa pedagogica (BG-3855).]

94. Politikai írások: 1916-1926. [Political Writings, 1916-1926] Edited with an Introduction by Tibor Szabó. Budapest: Kossuth Kà¶nyvkiadó, 1985. Pp. 278.

95. Ifjúkori írások. [Early Writings] Preface by Zoltán Szalai. MKKE, Társadalomelméleti Kollégium, 1987.


96. Guramushi Senshuu. [Selected Works of Gramsci] Translated by Isao Yamazaki, Seiji Honkawa, and Micho Fujisawa. Four volumes. Tokyo: Godo Shuppan-sha, 1961-1965.

97. Aito shisoto ninghento. [Love, Thought, Culture: Letters from Prison] Translated by Satohiko Uesugi. Tokyo: Godo Shuppan-sha, 1963.

98. Gendaino Cunushu. [The Modern Prince. Notes on Machiavelli] Translated by Seirin Ishido and Yoshi Maeno. Tokyo: Aoki Shaten, 1964.

99. Gokuchà » nà Â´to 1. [Quaderni del carcere, 1] Translated from Quaderni del carcere. Edizione critica dell’Istituto Gramsci. Edited with a Preface by Valentino Gerratana. Turin: Einaudi, 1975. Tokyo: à Â´tsuki Shoten, 1981. [Translation of BG-2638]

100. Ai yo chi yo eien nare; Guramushi gokuchà » kara no tegami. [For Eternal Love and Knowledge. Gramsci, Letters from Prison] Translated by Akio à Â´kubo and Nobuyoshi Sakai. Edited with a Preface by Sergio Caprioglio and Elsa Fubini. Turin: Einaudi, 1965. Tokyo: à Â´tsuki Shoten, 1982. [Translation of BG-1237]

101. Chichi kara kodomotachi e. [L’albero del riccio] Translation by Reiko Watanabe. Presentation and notes by Giuseppe Ravegnani. Illustrated by Maria Enrica Agostinelli Tokyo: Shà Â´bun-sha, 1983. [Translation of BG-5285]


102. Listy z wiezienia. [Letters from Prison] Translated with a Preface by Mieczyslaw Brahmer. Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1950. Pp. 321.

103. Pisma wybrane. [Selected Works] With a Preface from the Editors and an essay by Palmiro Togliatti, “Aktualne znaczenie mysli i dzialalnosci Gramsciego” [The actuality of the thoughts and activity of Gramsci]. Warsaw: Ksiazka i Wiedza, 1961. Two volumes. Pp. lix-741; 700. [Togliatti’s essay is a translation of BG-6530]

104. Zeszyty filozoficzne. [Philosophical Notebooks] Edited with an Introduction by Slaw Krzemien-Ojak. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 1991. Pp. xlv-566.


105. Concepcà Â£o dialética da história. Translated with an Introduction by Carlos Nelson Coutinho and Leandro Konder. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Civilizaà Â§à Â£o Brasileira, 1966. Pp. 341. [Sixth edition, 1986]

106. Cartas do cárcere. Selected and translated with a Preface by Noà Âªnio Spínola. Rio de Janeiro: Editore Civilizaà Â§à Â£o Brasileire, 1966. Pp. 420. [Second edition, 1978]

107. Os intelectuais e o organià Â§à Â£o da cultura. Translated by Carlos Nelson Coutinho. Rio de Janeiro: Civilizaà Â§à Â£o Brasileira, 1968. Pp. 244. [Fifth edition, 1987]

108. Literatura e vida nacional. Selected and translated by Carlos Nelson Coutinho. Rio de Janeiro: Civilizaà Â§à Â£o Brasileira, 1968. Pp. 273. [Third edition, 1986]

109. Maquiavel, a politica e o estado moderno. Translated by L. M. Gazzaneo. Rio de Janeiro: Civilizaà Â§à Â£o Brasileira, 1968. Pp. xi-444. [Eighth edition, 1987]

110. “Conselhos de fábrica, sindicatos e partidos,” Cara a Cara [Campinas], I, 2 (1970), 161-88. [Articles from L’Ordine nuovo, 1919-1920]

111. A formaà Â§à Â£o dos intelectuais. Translated by Serafim Ferreira. Preface by Carlo Salinari and Mario Spinella. Venda Nova-Amadora: M. Rodriguez Xavier, 1972. Pp. 151. [The preface is a translation of BG-5540]

112. Obras escolhidas. Two volumes. Preface by Georges Cogniot. Lisbon: Editorial Estampa, 1974. Pp. 408 + 339. [The preface is a translation of BG-1578]

113. Convite à leitura de Gramsci. Edited with an introduction by Pedro Cavalcanti and Paul Piccone, “Introduà Â§à Â£o à Edià Â§à Â£o Portuguesa. Cultura, Filosofia e história nos primeiros escritos de Antonio Gramsci.” Rio de Janeiro: Achiamé, s.d. [1976]. Pp. 131. [Translation of BG-1404]

114. Obras escolhidas. Translated by Manoel Cruz. Sà Â£o Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1978. Pp.378.

115. Escritos politicos. Lisbon: Seara Nova, 1977-78. Four volumes. Pp. xxx; 375; 140; 241. [I do not know the number of pages in volume 1.]

116. “A situaà Â§à Â£o italiana e as tarefas do PCI,” Temas de cià Âªncias humanas [Sà Â£o Paulo] vol. 9 (1980), 11-37 [The Lyons Theses were written by Gramsci and Togliatti. Translated by Jussara Moraes].

117. Conselhos de fábrica. Introduction by Alfonso Leonetti. Preface by Carlos Nelson Coutinho and Mauricio Tragtenberg. Translated by Marina B. Svevo. Sà Â£o Paulo: Brasiliense, 1981. Pp.121. [Translation of BG-3522]

118. “Textos selecionados de Gramsci,” in Carlos Nelson Coutinho, Gramsci. Port Alegre: L & PM Editores, 1981, pp. 131-232. [Contains selections from the Quaderni del carcere and 11 texts from the period 1919-1926]

119. Novas cartas de Gramsci e algumas cartas de Piero Sraffa. Edited by Antonio A. Santucci. Preface by Nicola Badaloni. Translated by Carlos Nelson Coutinho and Marco Aurélio Nogueira. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1987. Pp.111. [Translation of BG-609]

120. A questà Â£o meridional. Translated by Carlos Nelson Coutinho & Marco Aurélio Nogueira. Edited with an introduction by Franco De Felice and Valentino Parlato. Introduction to the Brasilian edition by Carlos Nelson Coutinho. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1987. Pp. 165. [Translation of BG-1800]


121. Scrisoari din inchisoare. [Letters from Prison] Bucharest, 1955.

122. Opere alese. [Selected Works] Translated by Eugen Costescu. Introduction by Pavel Apostol, “Antonio Gramsci si marxismul creator contemporan.” Bucarest: Editura Politica, 1969. Pp. 295.

123. Scrieri alese [Selected Writings] Selected and translated by Titus Parvulescu. Bucharest: Univers, 1973. Pp. 284. [Texts selected from Gli intellettuali…, Letteratura e v.n., Il Materialismo storico…., and Il Risorgimento.]

124. Cinci Minute pentru Tata. [Five Minutes for Father] Selected and translated with an introduction by Florian Potra. Bucharest: Editura Jon Creanga, 1974. Pp. 92.

125. “Pentru o istorie a intelectualilor; Note critice la o tentatiga de ‘eseu popular de sociologie’; Cintul al 10-lea din ‘Infernul’ de Dante; cu textul dantesc,” Secolul 20: revista de literatura universala Bucharest: Uniunea Scriitorilor din Republica Socialista Romania, n.d. Pp. 21-59. [Translated by Florian Potra.]


126. Izbrannye proizvedenija. [Selected Works] Edited and translated by K. G. Misiano. Two volumes. Foreword by Palmiro Togliatti, “K sovetskomu citatelju” [To the Soviet reader]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo inostrannoi literatury, 1957. Two volumes. Pp. 511; 309. [Vol. I: Ordine Nuovo 1919-1920 – Vol. II: Letters from Prison]

127. Dan’ istorii. [A contribution to history] (Statji iz «Ordine nuovo». Problemy revoljutsii. Problemy kulturnoj zhisni) Preface by T. Korralov. Moscow: Gospolitizdat, 1960. Pp. 126.

128. O literature i iskusstve. [On literature and art] Preface by Aleksandr A. Lebedev. Moscow: Izatelsvost «Progress», 1967. Pp. 263.

129. Izbrannye proizvedenija. [Selected Works] Edited by I. V. Grigor’eva, K. F. Misiano, G. P. Smirnov. Introduction by G. P. Smirnov. Moscow: Politizdat, 1980. Pp. 421.

130. Tjurenminye tetradi. [Prison Notebooks] in three volumes. Volume One. Edited by M.N. Greckij and Ljudmila Nikitic. Introduction by M.N. Greckij. Translated and directed by Genrich P.Smirnov Moscow: Politizdat, 1991. Pp. 560. [The first of three volumes of the complete Russian translation of the Quaderni. This work is based on the critical edition but maintains the structure of the first Einaudi edition. This volume contains the texts of «Il materialismo storico…» and of «Gli intellettuali…».]


131. Pizma iz zatvora. [Prison Notebooks] Edited by Stanko Skunka. Afterword by Eros Sequi. Zagrab: Zora, 1951. Pp. 324.

132. Historijski Materiajlizam i filosofija Benedetta Crocea. [Historical Materialism and the Philosophy of Benedetto Croce]. Zagreb: Naprijed, 1958. Pp. 348. [Includes the translation of the original “Prefazione.”]

133. Izabrana dela. [Selected Works] Preface by Joza Vilfan. Beograd: Kultura, 1959. Pp. 380.

134. “Comunisticka partija. Moderni và Â´ladalac”, in L. Tadic, Partija proletariata. Trans. by Indic., pp. 333-350. Belgrad: Sedma Sila, 1966.

135. Problemi revolucije: Intelektualci i revolucija. [Problems of Revolution: Intellectuals and Revolution] Edited by Vuko Pavicevic. Belgrad: Dzepna knjiga, 1973. Pp. 185.

136. O drzavi. [On the State] Preface by Ivo Petrinovic. Belgrad: Radnicka stampa, 1979.


137. Listy z và¤zenia. [Letters from Prison] Introduction by Anna Magalová, “Antonio Gramsci v Talianskej kultúre” [Antonio Gramsci in Italian culture]. Bratislava: Tatran, 1949. Pp. 302.

138. Umenie a národ. [Art and the People] Translated by Frantisek Hruska. Introduction by Ján Skamla, “O vztahu socialno-ekonomickycm a literárno-umeleckych jarov v diele Antonia Gramsciho [On the relationship of social-economic and artistic-literary phenomena in the work of Gramsci] Bratislava: Tatran, 1974. Pp. 159.

139. Spolcnost, politika, filozofia. [Society, Politics, Philosophy] Introduction by Frantised Novosad. Bratislava: Pravda, 1988. Pp. 488.


140. Pisma iz jece. [Letters from Prison] Preface by Ivan Regent. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva Zalozba, 1955. Pp. 356.

141. Izbrana dela. [Selected Works] Translated and edited with a Preface by Anton Zun. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva Zalozba, 1974. Pp. 715.

142. Izbor politicnih spisov 1914-1926. [Selected Political Writings 1914-1926] Preface by Boris Muzevic. Ljubljana: Komunist, 1982. Pp. 175.

143. Civilna druzba in drzava. [Civil Society and the State] Selected with an Introduction by Adolf Bibic. Ljubljana: Komunist, 1987. Pp. 277.


144. Cartas desde la cárcel. Prologue by Gregorio Bermann. Translation by G. Moner. Buenos Aires: Editorial Lautaro, 1950. Pp. 339.

145. Literatura y vida nacional. Translated by José M. Aricó. Prologue by Héctor P. Agosti. Buenos Aires: Lautaro, 1952. Pp. 336.

146. El Materialismo Histórico y la Filosofía de Benedetto Croce. Translated by Isidoro Flambaum. Prologue by Héctor P. Agosti. Buenos Aires: Lautaro, 1958. Pp. 260.

147. Los Intelectuales y la Organización de la Cultura. Foreword by Héctor P. Agosti. Translation by R. Sciarreta. Buenos Aires: Lautaro, 1960. Pp. 181. [Another edition was published in Buenos Aires in 1972 (Edicionos Nueva Visíon)]

148. Literatura y vida nacional. Prologue by Hector P. Agosti. Translation by J.M. Aricó. Buenos Aires: Lautaro, 1961. Pp. 336.

149. Notas sobre Maquiavelo, sobre política y sobre el estado moderno. Buenos Aires: Lautaro, 1962.

150. La formación de los intelectuales. Spanish version by Angel Gonzáles Vega. Introduction by Carlo Salinari and Mario Spinella. México, D.F.: Editorial Grijalbo, 1967. Pp. 159. [The essay is signed “Editori Riuniti”, but is a translation of the preface by Carlo Salinari and Mario Spinella (in BG-5537). There is also an “editorial note” signed e.g. on pp. 7-8]

151. Cultura y literatura. Selected with an Introduction by Jordi Solé-Tura. Madrid: Ediciones Península, 1967. Pp. 363.

152. Antología. Selected, translated and edited by Manuel Sacristán. [First edition, 1970]. Madrid: Siglo XXI Editores, 1970. [2nd edition, 1974] Pp. xvi-520.

153. Introducción a la filosofía de la praxis. Selection,translation and Presentation by Jordi Solé- Tura. Barcelona: Ediciones Península, 1970. Pp. 156. [Texts were selected from the Antologia degli scritti (cf. BG-5540)]

154. La política y el estado moderno. Translated with an Introduction by Jordi Solé-Tura. Barcelona: Ediciones Península, 1971.

155. Cartas desde la carcel. Translated by Esther Benitez. Madrid: Cuadernos para el diálogo, 1972. Pp. 295.

156. El Risorgimento. Translated with an Introduction by Manlio Macri. Buenos Aires: Granica Editor, 1974. Pp. 151.

157. Pasado y presente. Introductory Note for the Argentine Edition by Manlio Maccri. Buenos Aires: Granica, 1974. Pp. 285. [On pp. 9-11 a translation of the Italian preface (Cf. BG-41) of 1952 is included.]

158. La alternativa pedagógica. Edited with an introduction by Mario Alighiero Manacorda. Barcelona: Nova Terra, 1976. [Reprinted in 1985. Translation of BG-3855]

159. Política y sociedad. Introduction by Jordi Solé-Tura. Barcelona: Ediciones Península, 1977. Pp. 223.

160. Escritos políticos, 1917-1933. Introduction by Juan Carlos Portantiero, “Los usos de Gramsci.” Mexico: Ediciones Pasado y Presente, 1977. Pp. 386. [The appendix contains a translation of Athos Lisa’s letter of 1933, “Discución con Gramsci en la carcel,” pp. 378-86.]

161. La cuestión meridional. Translated by Amalia Bastida. Introduction by Lorenzo Díaz Sanches. Madrid: Dédalo Ediciones, 1978. Pp. 169.

162. Sobre el Fascismo. Selection and Preface by Enzo Santarelli. Mexico: Ed. Era, 1979. [Spanish translation of BG-5628]

163. Cuadernos de la cárcel. Edición crítica del Instituto Gramsci. Tomo 1. A cargo de Valentino Gerratana. México, D.F.: Ediciones Era, 1980. [This is the first volume of the 6-volume Spanish translation of the critical edition of the «Quaderni del carcere». I have not consulted them. Volumes 2 and 3 appeared in 1981 and 1984 (pp. 514 and 505). A total of six volumes was planned.]

164. El árbol del erizo. Illustraciones de Jesús Gabán Barcelona: Editorial Bruguera, 1981. Pp. 223.

165. Escritos políticos (1917-1933). Second enlarged edition. Includes a translation of Leonardo Paggi, “La teoría general del marxismo en Gramsci.” Mexico: Ediciones Pasado y Presente, 1981.

166. Introducción a la filosofía. Introduction by Miguel Sacristán. Barcelona: Critica, 1985.

167. Cartas a Yulca (1922-1937). Edited by Mimma Paulesu Quercioli. Translated with an introducion by Francisco Fernández Buey, “Prólogo: Amor y revolución.” Barcelona: Grijalbo, 1989. Pp. 221. [Translation of Forse rimarrai lontana… (1987)]


168. En kollektiv intellektuell. Introduction by René Coeckelberghs. Uddevalla: Bo Cavefors, 1967. Pp. 299.

169. Brev frà Â¥n fà¤ngelset. Introduction by Carl-Gà¶ran Ekerwald. Ystad: Rabén & Sjà¶gren, 1981. Pp. 268.


170. Hapisane Mektuplari. [Letters from Prison] Introduction by Attilà Â¢ Tokatli. Istanbul: Gercek Yayinevi, 1966. Pp. 80.

171. Aydinlar ve Toplum. [Selected Writings] Translated by V.Gà¼nyol, F.Edgà¼, B.Onaran. Istanbul: à â‚¬Â¡an Yayinlari, 1967. Pp. 104.

172. Felsefe Ve Politika Sorunlari. [Selections from the Political Writings] Introduction by Georges Cogniot. Istanbul: Payel Yayinevi, 1975. Pp. 360. PARIS

* la numerazione delle traduzioni salta da 76 a 79, provo a darmi una spiegazione immaginando che Cammett avesse pensato di lasciare 2 numeri a disposizione della numerazione per l’ambito tedesco per le Band 4 e 5, di cui non possedeva ancora dati bibliografici, come specificato tra parentesi al numero 76, Band 6.

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