liberisaperi,  Politica

Quando queste cose accadono in Cina o in Iran…

Quando queste cose accadono in Cina o in Iran immediatamente si mobilitano schiere di eroi della riservatezza a tuonare contro il “regime” di turno che spia i propri cittadini. Nel caso accada sotto il loro naso si distraggono magari perché stanno pensando ai riti tribali che si svolgono ai piani alti di questo paese.
Chiedo a tutt* di condividere e seguire la vicenda, non da poco, del sequestro del server di A/I, sito in Norvegia, da parte della polizia postale italiana.
Cos’è il Piano R*.

English version:
Today the Norwegian police seized for some hours our server in Norway and copied all disks following a judiciary request from Italy. Although it’s highly likely that this investigation concerns just one user/website/mailing list, the whole content of the box was copied, so, even if in an encrypted form, your passwords are not in safe hands anymore. Therefore, we warmly invite all our users (not only those who had their mailbox in the Norwegian server) to change your mail and FTP password and to recommend to do so to anybody you may know who has a mailbox and/or website with A/I.
As a precaution, we have moved to a different server all mailboxes that were kept in the seized computer: if you had not downloaded your mail to your private computer and your mailbox was located in this box, now your archive will be empty. In the next few days we will recover the whole content of your mailboxes, but we hope that this accident can help remind you more than ever that it is not a good idea to leave your archives in a server you cannot control: even if in our disks mailboxes are encrypted, violating a cryptation code is not a science fiction scenario.

Police raid: shoot a thousand to hit none!

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